There are many functions that work well in autopilot, much of which could not work otherwise. But in the same way, humans have many behaviors locked in autopilot as well. For some of them, one may not notice until it is too late and is left feeling ashamed once they act out. While it is normal to feel upset, it is for one to not understand why. There is a simple explanation for this: the subconscious.
We don\’t wake up every morning and think “I am going to keep my temperature at 97.3°F today”, “I will remember to breathe when I need oxygen”, “my heart will beat 80 times per minute”, or “my stomach will digest the food that I eat”. This is done automatically, thank God! Habits in our subconscious are responsible for all of these natural functions, and these habits were \”installed\” by Mother Nature for our wellbeing.
However, there are also many habits stored in our subconscious that control our lives that we might not necessarily benefit from. There are many theories on how these habits develop, but regardless, they are there and put our lives on autopilot. So, wouldn’t it be nice if we could program autopilot to be what we want? The great news is that we can, and that is what Life Unblocking is about!! With a simple method, one can program exactly what you want to happen and let the autopilot do the rest. How does autopilot work? Here’s an example.
Most adults in society know how to drive a car. But the truth is, these same adults probably remember when they were very young and didn\’t even know we didn\’t know how to drive a car. This is the first stage, \”unaware-unknowledgeable\”. Then, we become older kids, we see adults driving and tell ourselves that one day that’ll be us driving. This is the second stage, \”aware-unknowledgeable\”; one can recognize that they do not know how to drive a car. Once you become a teenager, you are finally able to learn to drive. But, this does not come easy. Every time you get in the car you have to adjust the mirrors, put the car in 1st gear, and then coordinate the gas and the clutch properly. You need to think about everything, be aware of traffic, turn signals, etc. This is the third stage, ”aware-knowledgeable\”. However, as time goes on and you practice, this becomes easier and easier until it is second nature. I am sure I am not the only one when I admit that there are times when I’ve arrived at my destination and wondered how I got there because I can’t recall the roads I took to get there. This is a clear example that you are in stage four, \”unaware-knowledgeable\”.
There are many theories that say we only use a small fraction of our brain. Depending on the author, our consciousness accounts for 3-10% of our processing power, leaving the rest of our brain to the subconscious (or how science refers to it, the unconscious). This number is a whopping 90-97%, which is why in stage three it was so difficult to drive a car (we were using 3-10% of our brainpower) while in stage four it was so easy we can’t remember stopping at the last red light (we were doing it with 90-97% of our mind).
This is just one example of what the subconscious can do, and depending on what habits we program it with are how successful and productive our results will be. Before you draw your conclusions, let me say one last thing. Our conscious mind is responsible for rational thinking such as setting up goals and objectives (with 3-10% of the mind) while the subconscious is responsible for our habits and beliefs (90-97% of the mind). Do you wonder why New Year\’s resolutions don’t last or why you might not succeed on things that you propose to yourself? It is time to let Life Unblocking work for you. Remove all the things from your life that you do not want and that put your life on autopilot and create the life that you dream about!!