Life Unblocking method
The Life Unblocking method is a fast and easy way to reprogram your subconscious and change all those limiting beliefs that might be stopping you or making things harder for you. You can refer to our blog for more articles about the subconscious, autopilot, limiting beliefs, and many other important topics. In this article we will discuss the Life Unblocking method:
What is it? As we said, it is a method designed to reprogram the subconscious. The purpose of this is to align our goals with our beliefs (which live in our subconscious). The subconscious is the most powerful part of our mind (depending on the research study, it may account for 90% to 97%, while the conscious represents the rest of the mind-10% at its maximum). That being said, the only first step that makes sense is to design the new program which we call \”Affirmations\’\’. These are very powerful and we can use the Life Unblocking method to engrave them in our subconscious, but depending on what you want to change is the type of affirmation you should focus on. I know people that have completely lost their fear of animals or heights. Others, however, wanted to lose weight so their affirmation was \”I like the image I see of myself when I see myself in the mirror\”. While the person didn\’t exactly lose weight, they were happier than ever in front of the mirror. Affirmations need to follow the guidelines I call the 4-P\’s. They are:
- Personal: The affirmations must be fine for you, in the first person.
- Present: It must be now for the brain does not understand time. Use the present instead of the future.
- Positive: Only use positive affirmations. Using the word No means nothing to the brain, and you will only get more of what you don\’t want.
- Pleasurable: It must make you feel something nice. If you feel indifferent about it, the affirmation must be reworded.
The method to do this is very simple. The steps are:
- Prepare the affirmation (s)
- Do the A-B-C
- Test the affirmation with the muscle testing test
- If negative, follow these steps:
- Close your eyes
- Repeat the affirmation but this time ask whatever religious figure you believe in to help you program your affirmation( it doesn\’t matter if you call it God, Source, a name, Universe, Origin, something else, or you are atheist). You should receive a signal when done to open your eyes. Keep in mind this symbol could be a chill or heat rushing through your body, a light while your eyes are closed, or any simple event that prompts you to open your eyes.
- Test the affirmation again. If negative, go to step E. If positive, you are done and you can work on the next affirmation returning to step C, or you can finish this session.
To learn more about muscle testing, how to calibrate it, and what is positive or negative, refer to the other articles in the blog. These blogs also discuss what is A-B-C in Step 2; in short, it is the acronym in Spanish for Armonizar-Brillar-Conectar (in English it is Harmonize-Shine-Connect). So, this is exactly what we do:
- Harmonize: We connect with the sound of the heart chakra. While this can be done on your own with some experience, I recommend you download the free app Life Unblocking, and play the F sound on it (Fa in many cultures).
- Shine: You must imagine your Pineal Gland and make it shine. For more information on how to activate it, you can refer to the other articles in the blog.
- Connect: Imagine a ray of light emanating from your head towards the sky connecting you to a main source of light.
This is the Life Unblocking method. I suggest you first read the other articles to know more about the subconscious or why you may want to change any prior programming, but it is imperative that you at least know what Muscle Testing is and activate your Pineal Gland; only at this point you are ready for the Life Unblocking method. It is easy, safe (no contraindications), and an effective way to remove all the barriers that are holding you down as well as overcome the fears and phobias that might act on you. Start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of!! I wish you a day filled with love and light!!