Building Your Own Container: Finding Protection and Fulfillment in Authenticity
- Posted by JD Kropman, PhD
- Categories Articles
- Date June 25, 2023
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In life, we often find ourselves confined within various containers—figurative structures that shape our experiences and interactions. These containers can be societal expectations, family dynamics, cultural norms, or even the self-imposed limitations we unknowingly adopt. While some containers may provide a sense of protection, what happens when we realize that the container we’re in doesn’t truly reflect who we are? This article delves into the importance of designing your own container, one that aligns with your authentic self and allows you to flourish. By building this personalized container, you can find a deep sense of protection, fulfillment, and inner calm.
Recognizing Imposed Containers: Many of us find ourselves confined within containers that were constructed by others, often with the best intentions. These external influences shape our beliefs, expectations, and behaviors. While they may offer a sense of security, they can also lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and a lack of fulfillment. It is crucial to recognize when we are living within containers that don’t align with our true selves.
Exploring the Effects of Imposed Containers: Living in a container that doesn’t reflect our authentic selves can stifle our growth and hinder our ability to pursue our dreams and aspirations. It may leave us feeling trapped, limited, and disconnected from our true desires. Over time, the frustration and anger stemming from this misalignment can have detrimental effects on our mental and emotional well-being.
Embracing Self-Discovery: To break free from imposed containers, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery. This involves introspection, reflection, and a willingness to explore our values, passions, and unique aspirations. By understanding who we truly are at our core, we can begin to design a container that resonates with our authentic self.
Designing Your Own Container: Building your own container involves intentional choices and actions that align with your goals, dreams, and values. Here are some steps to guide you:
a. Define Your Values: Identify the core values that guide your life and decision-making. These values will act as the foundation for designing your container.
b. Set Meaningful Goals: Determine what truly matters to you and set meaningful, aligned goals that reflect your passions and aspirations. These goals will shape the structure of your container.
c. Embrace Authenticity: Embrace your authentic self and resist the pressure to conform to societal expectations or the opinions of others. Allow your uniqueness to shape the design of your container.
d. Cultivate a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with individuals who support and encourage your personal growth. Seek out mentors, like-minded individuals, or communities that share your values and can provide guidance along the way.
e. Take Action: Implement changes and make choices that align with your authentic self. This may involve stepping outside of your comfort zone, challenging limiting beliefs, and embracing new opportunities.
Nurturing Your Container: Once you have designed your container, it is essential to nurture and maintain it. Regularly evaluate whether your container still aligns with your evolving self and make adjustments as necessary. This ongoing process of self-reflection and adaptation ensures that your container continues to provide protection, fulfillment, and a sense of calm.
Conclusion: Living within a container that doesn’t resonate with our authentic selves can leave us feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from our true potential. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery and designing our own container, we can create a space that reflects our values, goals, and dreams. In this container, we find protection, fulfillment, and inner calm. Embrace the opportunity to break free from imposed containers and build a life that aligns with your true essence.