Dog Tug-O-War’s & Mirror’s Laws
We go through life and encounter situations or people that drive us crazy, right? We all have those people and situations in our lives. But what does that have to do with a dog or a mirror and how could that make my life better? At this point, it’s the only thing that matters, right? In this article, we will put it all together—the dog, the mirror, and what to do about it to make your life better—using Life Unblocking.
Let\’s get started with \”the law of the dog\”. I named it that because of the similitude you will understand shortly. Have you ever played tug-o-war with a dog? If you did, then you know that the stronger you pull the rope on one end, the stronger the dog will pull on on the other end. And the hands will continue for a long time. But have you ever tried leaving the rope alone? The dog will look at you like saying \”what are you doing pal? Pull the rope!!\” Very quickly, if you don\’t continue fighting, the dog will get bored and leave. The learning? You don\’t want to fight things, we will just make them stronger. The more you fight them, the stronger they become (outside the scope of this article, but there is a transfer of your energy to whatever you are fighting). When you ignore it and move on, it disappears on its own. So that is beyond us to the second law. The mirror law. Why did that happen in the first place? Was the dogfighting you and their rope?
The mirror law says that \”everything that affects us emotionally, came to show something that is inside of us\”. So when we encounter circumstances in our life that make us feel uncomfortable, in reality, they are things that come to us to show us what it is that we need to work on. A little clarification here because it took me a long time to understand. Things happen around us, but it is those that affect us emotionally that is showing us something. We learned with the first law that we don\’t need to fight something, it will just make it stronger; the mirror law says what exactly we need to work on. If there are things that don\’t affect us emotionally, we simply ignore them. And if they are good, they are on us and that\’s it, we just enjoy them. But if we don\’t like them, we know what to work on with the Life Unblocking method we describe next.
The Life Unblocking method is one of the many ways you can reprogram your subconscious. There are other articles that can be used to learn more about the subconscious programs, limiting beliefs, and how they control or autopilot. In this article, we will mention that it is worthless fighting things (the law of the dog teaches us that), we learn what bothers us (with the mirror\’s law), and we work out reprogramming our subconscious with the Life Unblocking method.
So now you know how a dog, a mirror, and the Life Unblocking method relate to each other to improve your experiences in life. I wish you a day filled with love and light!!