The time is NOW to start those unaccomplished dreams!
We wake up every Monday at, same time. We drive the same route and arrive at the same job. Work with the same coworkers, for the same boss, and with the same objectives. There is nothing wrong with safety that gives you; although time doesn\’t stop, life keeps moving. Although you want to grab it, time squeezes through your fingers like dried sand, and you can\’t stop it. I heard many people say they will start enjoying life when they retire or their kids go to college. I\’m afraid I disagree with any of these statements, but the second one gives me chills, and I dedicated an entire article to the subject that is coming up soon. The point is that time goes on, life is happening today, and we can decide to ignore what we don\’t like or do something about it. Life unblocking is one of the enabling tools. If you feel inspired through this article, toward the end, you will have links to resources. If you decide to ignore it, that\’s ok, don\’t feel bad. It is simply not the right time. It will come. Nevertheless, there is one constant. Time doesn\’t stop.
We are all on the roller coaster of life. Things happen, and we feel we have many pins in the air, and we can barely keep up to avoid anyone dropping off. But although we can control where the roller coaster goes at its speed, we can decide what we do on the ride. Imagine you have balls in the air instead of pins. Some of you might have heard that note all the balls after the same, done are rubberish while done are crystal. Although we want to keep them all in the air, some of them may drop, bounce, and be back in the loop. So we need to be careful with the crystal ones. This is just an example, but not everything is as essential as we may think. We are all on the roller coaster of life; enjoying the ride is crucial. And it depends on us!
Attending a retreat a few days ago, I confirmed we are all programmed in some way. I read a long time ago that people tend to always sit in the same place, always attend the same events, and do everything the same way. While this is somehow normal, we like or dislike certain things. Letting life show is a different perspective had its benefits. If we always attend the same events, we know everybody, and while that gives a send of safety, it truncates the opportunities of meeting somebody new and pivotal in our lives. Sitting always in the same chair gives a perspective. But if good, chances will be that\’s the only one we will get at the seminar. Only if we get a terrible view, somebody is obstructing the view, they talk a lot, out for anything that bothers us, we will look for a different chair.
It is normal; we follow patterns; that\’s the way we have been programmed. We are instructed not to fail instead of being happy and learning. So why risk the chance of being better if we are \”good\” and only there are a couple of things we don\’t like in our lives? The answer is we don\’t have to throw away everything that is working in our lives. Instead, we change the programs in us that give us the few results we want. Relationships, financial success, fear of needles or highs, or anything that bothers you in life are not that important because all the rest is ok!! We can do something about it.
We can revert it. We have only one life, and time is passing by. We can reprogram one\’s subconscious to change all the things we want without altering the rest. I will now get into the depths of the subconscious because there are other articles about it (on this website and everywhere on the web). I will mention that Life Unblocking is very easy to learn and apply, and you can modify all those elements in your life that you want. So you have a smoother ride in the roller coaster of life and enjoy the ride without fears or abandoned dreams. I wish you a day filled with love and light!!