You can do something about the Phobias in your life!
Do you feel anger when a person walks their dog past you? Are you so afraid of heights that you reject offers from a friend to take pictures in the Grand Canyon in order to keep your distance from the edge? Do you show disinterest in visiting unique places because the mere idea of flying keeps you at home? Is the discomfort that you feel while waiting at the doctor’s office due to a fear of syringes? The truth is, this is more normal than what you might think; all of these, and many more examples, are different phobias that people experience and affect life in one way or another. You don\’t need to be a prisoner of any fear and you can enjoy life to the fullest without any limitation. Let me show you how Life Unblocking will help!
Before we start finding the answer to your fears, let\’s look at something that may make you uncomfortable. The truth of the matter is, phobias are not inherently a part of you. Although you may have experienced them for as long as you may remember, they are not you!! Yes, they feel very real, but some event, circumstance, or teaching from your upbringing has programmed this fear into you (keep in mind you may not even remember this event). But by looking at it from a different perspective, it makes sense to say that the fear can be altered in the same manner it was programmed into you. If you watched the movie The Truman Show, you saw how Truman was \”programmed\” to fear bodies of open water because he had to experience a tragic event and listen to comments from everyone around him. Science fiction aside, this is how the subconscious works. So we may remember not the event that triggered our phobia, but one must understand this is not set in stone and can be changed very easily!!
The following explains how we will address fears. The specific phobia does not matter and can vary. The following is a list of common ones:
- Heights
- Animals
- Noises
- Planes or flights
- Needles
- Swimming pools
- Lakes or the beach
- Open or closed spaces
- Boats
- Elevators
- Public speaking
- Crowds
- Something else
We will help you to overcome these fears, in essence, by working on your subconscious program. To start off, one must create the affirmation of what they want (refer to the other articles about Life Unblocking; the affirmation must follow the 4 P\’s, present, personal, positive, and pleasurable) and then apply Life Unblocking quickly and easily.
So you may be asking yourself the following: if this is that simple, then why are most people leaving in fear? The short answer is because they do not know of the possibilities, but the trick is becoming the agent of change. There are many articles that explain the six degrees of separation, but to explain it briefly, absolutely everybody you can think of is somehow related to you within six levels of relationships. So while we work on our phobias and you share your success, everyone will find out about our methods within time and soon many people will be able to overcome their fears as well.
Before we continue, I’d like to share something with you. My mom recently turned 70, and she has lived with a fear of snakes her whole life. I swear I am not exaggerating when I tell you she could not even watch a cartoon where a snake was shown which is why I asked if she wanted to try the method on herself. The sessions were only a few minutes long, and after that, she felt much better and was able to look at live snakes in TV documentaries. Although I believed it, there was always that thought in the back of my head about how valid this test was because of my personal connection. A few months later we flew to California to celebrate my aunt\’s birthday and visited a certain place where you can spot sea lions resting on the coast. All of a sudden, my mom came towards our family and said \”come, come, there is a snake following a rabbit!!\” with a firm, but calm voice. Sure enough, there was a 4-foot long snake trying to catch its breakfast and my mom had noticed it and was letting the family know so we didn\’t miss the show. None of us had seen something like that before, and after many decades, my mom could share the experience with the family rather than running away.
This wasn’t just any miracle, and the truth is that anyone can overcome their fears! One can walk through their whole life with fears or phobias, limiting your life to what they let you do; or in just a few minutes, you can reprogram your subconscious, remove all your fears, and live life to the fullest without a care in the world. Nothing will stop you!!
I wish you a day filled with love and light!!