The smart fish
Have you ever felt like you were not enough? Or that you couldn\’t overcome a given situation you were facing? Although you may be surprised, that\’s more common than what you may think. You may have the impression that other people are smart or have abilities you lack. We will briefly cover why that happens and, more importantly, what you can do about it to revert it.
We probably heard of Albert Einstein because of his famous theory of relativity. But you don\’t need to be an expert in physics or mathematics to understand his quote:
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
And that\’s the way in one way or another, we all were judged, and that imprinted marks on everybody that determined many aspects of one\’s life. I suggest you also read the article from last week about the power of words. But you imagine what life becomes being judged as a climbing fish. It seems funny; how can a fish climb a tree if all they can do is swim. Besides, if the fish stays out of the water for too long, it dies. Obvious, right? The truth is that as evident as it sounds, it is more common than what you think. And you may know many people who try to achieve somebody else\’s dream because that\’s what they believe they must accomplish. And some of them sadly died while trying hard to achieve it.
People around you aren\’t this or that. They follow their path and do and say what they think is best. But most people don\’t realize the energy and power of words. And inoffensive and straightforward comments can be misinterpreted very easily. Without realizing it, they are loaded with judgment and, therefore, conditional love. And what do we wish for more than being accepted and loved? Nothing, right. Let me give you an example to understand better. Let\’s imagine a person likes a provided shampoo for any reason. That person could say, \”I like that shampoo because it makes my hair curly.\” That\’s great, and everybody has the right to say how it feels, likes, and what people, things, or circumstances make them feel.
There is nothing wrong with it, and in fact, this is the way it should always be; people say what people, things, or circumstances make them feel. Unfortunately, we hear way too often comments like, \”this shampoo is excellent.\” As innocuous as it may sound, this comment is loaded with judgment, conditional love, and ready to make you feel like a stupid fish. Why? Let\’s deconstruct it. When somebody says \” this is…\” or \”you are…\”, that\’s nothing more than their perception. It is not the only reality, but what they perceive.
Additionally, if that given shampoo is good, indirectly all the others are bad or as good. Everybody seeks approval, and that\’s when the conditional love kicks in. The subliminal message is, \”to get my approval and love, you must use the only good shampoo.\” Can you see how a little comment about something so small as the shampoo can turn into a hurtful comment?
We see that everywhere very often, without bad intentions and just because they don\’t know better. We all have the right to express our feelings. But that\’s the key, to express our feelings. To say how people, things, or situations make us feel. To say that something or someone is or is not means judgment. So we approach this from two sides, speaking and listening to these comments. We know now, so we will never say this is or is not, only how we feel about them. We don\’t want to hurt anyone, and we know comments like that are loaded with judgment. And at the end of the day, they are nothing but our perception.
On the other hand, we are listeners. As people on the receiving end, I am sure we will continue receiving comments like that because most people see nothing wrong with it. The great news is that you know better, so next time they tell you, you can say to them that is just their perception or ignore their comments knowing they are not for you specifically. Of course, telling them can bring a whole new set of complexities. Regardless, the critical fact is that you understand that you don\’t need to feel like a fish that can\’t climb because of their limitation to expressing themselves.
The last and most impactful fact on your life is on the receiving end and in the past. Perhaps you heard numerous comments that you are this or that, or that any given situation or thing is this or that. That\’s nothing but their perception. But regardless, they left marks on you that make you feel like a dumb fish. There is excellent news. They are all in your subconscious. Yes, they are inside you and block your life in many ways you may or may not perceive. But changing that is easy, quick, painless, and effective. Life Unblocking is a subconscious reprogramming method. Reprogramming the subconscious, one can revert all those harmless but hurtful comments. You know they are not harmless, and you won\’t say them. And when they tell you those comments, you know how to protect yourself because you know you are not a fish that must climb a tree. And for all those comments you received in the past, there is \”Life Unblocking.\” To reprogram your subconscious and erase those hurtful marks that impact your life.
I wish you a day filled with Love and Light!!