Drown or float
Perhaps you are going through a rough period. You may think this is never going to end. You have been dealt a bad hand, you believe. As soon as you finish an awful experience, another one comes along, and it seems never to end. And the last thing you want to hear is that it is you. How come? You wonder. How can it be me if all these things happen to me?! We have great news, it is not you, but you are in total control of it. Perhaps you heard before, \”what happens to you is beyond your control; how you react to it is 100% in your control\”. That\’s exactly what I want to share with you. You may think I am dealing with all these adversities now; the last thing I want to hear is some blah blah about it is all my fault. The excellent news is that it is not your fault, but your reactions and decisions are your responsibility, and you have total ownership of them. So even if you can work a few minutes a day on your calmness, you will be better prepared for the next challenge and break the loop. You can decide how you want to face and be ready for the next challenge.
We can continue living, blaming the exterior. But let\’s do an exercise so you can visualize the options. Imagine a body of water, a swimming pool, or an ocean. In that water, there is a person. You can imagine the person drowning, splashing on the water, and fighting for her life. How terrible. The person is desperate to keep afloat. Despite all the effort and how hard it tries, it seems she is losing the battle. Not for not fighting, not for not trying, never giving up, but it\’s downing (keep this in mind, never give up and fight!!). Now, let\’s imagine the same water, another person. This time the person is floating calmly face up, enjoying the sun and the sky. The person didn\’t give up, but instead of using the energy to fight the water, she did what she knew, and she peacefully floated on the water. Can you imagine the difference? Can you feel what both people are feeling? I venture to say that one is very nervous, trying to do the best she can and barely staying afloat. Instead, the other person is taking a rest, relaxing on the water, enjoying the sky, and probably thinking about anything she wants. Is the exterior, the water, different? Of course not, the water is the same!! But while one person is drowning and fighting for her life, the other is resting and enjoying the view and even some birds flying by. What is the difference? The attitude with which both people face the situation.
One person is determined to fight and never give up (I recommend you also read the article about the dog\’s law here, about fighting). Fighting and giving up are two concepts very easily misunderstood. Nobody suggests you put your arms down for life. But maybe kissing a battle allows you to withdraw and use the energy to learn how to float. After all, it was the knowledge that separated both people in our exercise, right? You may not know how to swim or float. And that is perfectly understandable. The question is, what is preventing you from learning? You will have a large body of water again in your life. That\’s for sure!! So you want to remain calm and float or fight for your life? Yes, I get it. If you drown, you can\’t learn how to float. But most often than not, we are not drowning, and we think we are; our perception makes us believe we are. People close to us can help us regain perspective and see that those dragons we are fighting are only the product of our imagination (I recommend the book \”The Knight of the rusty armor\”).
There is a massive difference between the dogs that we think will eat us alive and real ferrous dogs that will eat us alive. And once we understand the difference, we can stop fighting situations that are just in our heads. And we will have time to learn how to float. The water is probably actual; it is around you, and likely it will be again. So going back to the beginning, I hate to break it to you, but nobody but you takes the decision. You need to decide, and the universe will put the right masters in front of you. Time and money are just socially accepted excuses. When you open your heart and are ready to be calm, you will find what you need. Contact me, contact us, read more articles, learn what the subconscious is and how you can reprogram it, learn Life Unblocking, join the Facebook group. There are several first steps that you can take that cost nothing. You don\’t need to enroll in several hundred dollars seminars to learn calmness. Take the first step today. Next time you are in the water, you want to know how to float.
I wish you a day filled with love and light!