Stress is GOOD
- Posted by JD Kropman, PhD
- Categories General /General
- Date February 10, 2022
- Comments 0 comment
Stress is part of today’s everyday life. Most of us probably sent a message to a close person who couldn’t answer because she was so busy with the stress of daily life that she was doing a thousand things and then probably forgot. Has that ever happened to you that you failed to answer or do anything because, to fulfill the demands of daily life, you were in such a high level of stress that you forgot? Being busy with many things to do is one thing. But doing many things like the world is about to end is another one. Is everything you are doing so necessary that your life depends on that, and you forget to respond to a text message? I am sure you heard someone saying that “stress kills you.” We will discuss how it affects our lives and what we can do about it.
Firstly, let’s be clear on something. I might say something that goes against your thoughts, but you bear with me just a little longer and determine how this can help you. Contrary to popular belief, stress doesn’t kill you; chronic stress does. Stress saves you. I am not crazy; let me explain. Stress is a natural mechanism that we all have that ignites the appropriate signals in our body, raises the level of adrenaline and the blood flow in the heart rate, and prepares our body for the “fly, fight, or freeze” response. Without stress, those mechanisms wouldn’t trigger the reactions to prepare the body, and the predator would eat us without us fighting or being able to run. Like a mouse being chased by a cat, it runs and escapes most of the time thanks to stress.
However, after the chase, the mouse returns to calmness. The stress goes away. The stress saved the mouse, making him run, but after the hunt, it disappeared. The mouse has not stressed many hours a day like humans are. The stress doesn’t kill mice; it saves them. But chronic continued stress, like the one in humans’ lives, does kill you. Imagine a fire alarm. When you are in your office, and it goes off, everybody runs and saves everybody. But when the fire is extinguished, the alarm turns off, and everything comes back to normal. But have you ever experienced when the fire Marshall, doing his job, activates the alarms and leaves them for a long time? How annoying!! Right? But it is the same fire alarm. Does it save you, or is it annoying? When it triggers, it keeps you safe. But when it is on for a long time, it isn’t enjoyable!!
The same happens to stress. That’s why I say it saves you!! But chronic stress, like the one many people experience in their lives, has adverse health effects in the long run. Bodies are not prepared to always run or fight when they are awake. You may wonder what all this has to do with the mind and the subconscious. Most of the time, we are not running from predators like in the cave age in today’s life. The fly, fight, or freeze responses are triggered by what we “perceive.” What our mind determines and “feels” like danger, it triggers responses. Changing our subconscious, we can modify our beliefs, and therefore, we can stop perceiving actions from everyday life as life-ending threats and living in chronic stress that is so damaging to our lives! We can live in peace! There are many tools; the decision is yours. Life Unblocking will help you with an easy, quick, and efficient method to reprogram your subconscious.
I wish you a day filled with love and light!
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